Your journey starts here.

We are thrilled you found Family in Christ! 

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we want to do everything we can to provide a place where you can explore, struggle, ask hard questions, grow in your relationship with Christ, and discover life with God, together, for the good of the world!  There are a lot of misconceptions and misrepresentations of Christianity in America.  But here at Family in Christ, we remain more convinced than ever that there is a God who knows every detail of your story, both the highest highs and the lowest lows, and has deeply loved you through all of it. He knows you and longs for you to know him more every day.

Here are some ways to get started at FIC:

  • Take the triple challenge

    The triple challenge encourages you to join us three times on a Sunday morning! When you attend, you get a better feel for who we are at Family in Christ, what drives us as a church, why we believe so deeply in the gospel, and how you can be a part of our family! If you are visiting us today, that’s only two more times!

  • Fill out a Connect Card

    This is a great way to help us connect you with the right people and opportunities available here at Family in Christ. There’s a lot going on here: Life Groups, Children's and Youth Ministry, classes, service projects, and more!  We’ll keep all your info safe and only for our use. Find our Connect Card at the link below:

  • Join us for Explore: FIC

    We host an Explore: FIC every 6-8 weeks. At these casual events that include a free lunch, you’ll meet some of our staff and be able to ask any questions. You’ll learn more about our vision, mission, and ministries and you can explore opportunities to get plugged in. Click the button below for info and the date of our next event!

  • Enjoy a Free Gift on us

    The link below connects you with a free subscription to Right Now Media from FIC! Right Now Media is like the Netflix of Bible study videos, and includes a whole section for kids. (On your first Sunday visiting us, grab a welcome bag near our east entry! Inside you’ll find the same subscription code and other fun things!)

Finally… but by far the most important.

When you do visit us here at Family in Christ, come say, “Hi,” to one of us in leadership. We LOVE getting to know new people and can’t wait to meet you!