
“‘Then the King will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.’”

Matthew 25:40

Serving together not only helps others, but brings us closer to each other and God. It’s also one of the best ways to get involved in a church community and make new friends!

We also collect supplies for local groups at Family in Christ, and each week the Collection Bins are available at the east and west entrances. Find more information and the schedule for the Collection Bins by clicking the link HERE.

For more information on the Collection Bins or how to get involved in any of the outreach opportunities below, please contact Pastor Regan.

Local Partners: organizations we partner with right here in our neighborhood.

  • A Precious Child

    A Precious Child provides children in need with opportunities and resources to empower them to achieve their full potential. A Precious Child envisions a future where every child grows up to be a secure, self-reliant, contributing member of their community.

  • Angel Tree

    Angel Tree is a ministry that reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ through giving Christmas gifts.

  • Growing Home

    Growing Home is a network of community supporters and volunteers that provide crucial support services to help families get back on their feet & on the path to success.

  • Jesus on Colfax

    Jesus on Colfax is a ministry that works to bring faith-based presence and support to the people living in the motels of Colfax Ave. JOC’s vision is that through showing up and loving people we are rising together out of poverty of soul and circumstance.

  • Kairos Prison Ministry

    Kairos Prison Ministry is a body of ministries addressing the spiritual needs of incarcerated men and women as well as those who work in the prison system.

  • The Refuge

    The Refuge is a Christian community and mission center planted in 2006 in Broomfield, Colorado.

  • The Table

    The Table grows organic food in multiple garden plots to be shared with people in the South Denver metro area to promote a healthy community.

  • Whiz Kids

    Whiz Kids helps disadvantaged elementary & middle school kids improve their lives through academic tutoring, positive mentoring relationships & spiritual nurturing.

Global Partners: organizations we partner with around the world.

  • Compassion International

    Compassion International works to release children from poverty in Jesus' name by matching them with a sponsor and working in partnership with frontline churches.

  • Fundacion Emmanuel Guadalajara

    The Emmanuel Foundation has various services focused on covering the needs of clothing, housing, food and education of people deprived of their liberty, street children, orphans, the elderly, widows, single mothers and addicts.

  • Operation Christmas Child

    Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse that provides shoe boxes with small toys, hygiene items, & school supplies to children in poverty around the world.

  • Praying Pelican Missions

    Praying Pelican Missions connects the local church on a global level through short-term Mission Trips. Our LIFT Student Ministry has partnered with them for several of their mission trips.

  • World Renew

    World Renew is compelled by God’s deep passion for justice and mercy, and joins communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation.

  • World Vision

    World Vision partners with children, families, and their communities to help empower them to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

  • Wycliffe Bible Translators

    Wycliffe is on a journey to see people from every nation be able to worship God before His throne in their own language!